Sunday, September 26, 2010

Podcast Movie.

1.  What tools and techniques did you use to create your podcast? [be specific...10 pts.]
the tools and techniques i used were garageband and the jingles that were on their the recording device i used iTunes and the movie as my source.
2.  How could you use a project like this in other classes? [2 pts.]
We could use it in Speech class to add images to our story.
3.  In the “real world,” how could podcast projects be used (In what careers/businesses, etc.)? [2 pts.]
It could beused to make a talk show on the radio.
4.  In this project, what did you get good at doing? [2 pts.]
i got better at timing thing.
5. What was the most difficult part of the assignment? [2 pts.]

Add all the required jingles because i felt i had to base my project around it and make changes i didnt want to.
6.  Would you do a project like this on your own? [2 pts.]

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Charity Letter Review

1. List the name of your business and its charity.
     Caterpillar inc. and soles4souls2. What skills did you use/learn in this project?
i learned business letter format and used tech skills 3. What was the easiest part of this project? What was the most difficult part of this project?
Figuring out my company and the hardest was the letter writing. 4. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation other than writing a charity letter.
To send out mass letters to everyone in my contacts to inform them on a huge party.5. Did you learn something new during this project that you did not know before?  If so, what? 
Yes, and how to send mass letters.